Hobby projects
August 10, 2022


Posted on August 10, 2022  •  2 minutes  • 318 words

Kaelar is a thiefling warlock who wields purple flames, a power gifted to him by his pact with the Great Old One, Tharizdun, the Chained God. Kaelar grew up in a poor, crime-ridden area of the city, surrounded by violence and desperation. He turned to thievery at a young age to survive, using his charm and quick fingers to steal from unsuspecting victims.

One day, Kaelar’s luck ran out when he was caught in the act by a powerful mage. Instead of turning him in, the mage offered Kaelar a deal - in exchange for his service, he would teach Kaelar the ways of magic. Kaelar agreed and began to study the arcane arts under the mage’s guidance.

As Kaelar’s power grew, he began to hear whispers in his mind, urging him to seek out Tharizdun. The Chained God offered him even greater power in exchange for his loyalty. Kaelar agreed to the pact, and his flames turned from red to purple, a sign of his new allegiance.

Kaelar’s flaw is his greed. He is always looking for the next big score, and will do whatever it takes to get it. Despite his power, he still feels the need to prove himself and accumulate more wealth and influence. His reason for going on an adventure is to seek out a powerful artifact rumored to be hidden in a dangerous dungeon. The artifact is said to have the power to grant unlimited wealth, and Kaelar is determined to claim it for himself.

Kaelar’s pact with Tharizdun is a dangerous one. The Chained God is a being of immense power and malevolence, imprisoned by the other gods for his destructive tendencies. In exchange for Kaelar’s loyalty, Tharizdun promises to unlock even greater power within him. Kaelar knows that his patron’s goals are dark and twisted, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to gain more power and prestige.

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