Hobby projects
August 12, 2022

Valtorin the Malevolent

Posted on August 12, 2022  •  1 minutes  • 154 words

Valtorin the Malevolent is an ancient sorcerer who has been practicing dark magic for centuries. He is known for his purple robes, which are embroidered with intricate red runes that enhance his powers. He also wears a ram’s skull as a hat, which is said to imbue him with the ability to communicate with the spirit world.

Valtorin’s ultimate goal is to achieve immortality by any means necessary. He believes that the key to eternal life lies in mastering the art of necromancy, and he spends much of his time poring over his large tome of dark spells, searching for the secrets of life and death. He is known to summon snakes from his wand to do his bidding, and has been rumored to have an army of undead minions at his disposal. Many have tried to stop Valtorin over the years, but his powers are formidable, and he always seems to elude capture.

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