Hobby projects
August 17, 2022

Kaelin Steelfist

Posted on August 17, 2022  •  1 minutes  • 181 words

Kaelin Steelfist was born into a family of skilled craftsmen, but tragedy struck when he lost his left arm in a freak accident at a young age. Despite this setback, Kaelin was determined to not let his disability define him. He studied tirelessly to become an artificer, combining his family’s traditional knowledge with his own innovations to create a new metal arm that surpassed the original.

As he grew older, Kaelin found solace in the teachings of the monks at a nearby monastery. The discipline and focus they instilled in him complemented his artificer training, and he eventually joined their order. Though he was respected for his knowledge and skill, Kaelin never forgot the trauma of losing his arm, and it drove him to seek out ways to improve himself even further.

Now, as he sets out on his latest adventure, Kaelin Steelfist is determined to prove that he is more than just his metal limb. With his monk training and artificer skills, he is a formidable opponent and a valuable ally to any who would join him on his journey.

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