Hobby projects
August 19, 2022

Xander Valtorin

Posted on August 19, 2022  •  1 minutes  • 183 words

Xander Valtorin was born into a wealthy and influential family. However, he never felt satisfied with his life of privilege and instead sought out excitement in causing chaos and pain to those less fortunate than him. Xander was always a troublemaker in school, getting into fights and bullying other students. He eventually dropped out and turned to a life of crime, using his family’s wealth and influence to avoid any consequences for his actions.

Xander’s love for violence and chaos eventually led him to train as a monk. However, instead of using his newfound skills for good, he used them to become even more dangerous and ruthless. He would often seek out fights with those who he deemed weaker or less fortunate, reveling in the pain he caused. Xander became infamous in his city for his violent and unpredictable behavior, and even his own family disowned him.

Now, Xander is going on an adventure, seeking out new victims to unleash his chaotic wrath upon. He is driven by a desire for power and control, and he will stop at nothing to achieve it.

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