Hobby projects
November 9, 2022


Posted on November 9, 2022  •  2 minutes  • 292 words

Meet Chester, the friendly mimic disguised as a treasure chest. Chester has always been fascinated by the world outside of his hidden dungeon home. He loves to listen to the adventurers as they make their way through the dungeon, fighting off monsters and searching for treasure.

Chester is a gentle soul and he longs to make friends with the adventurers that pass by him. He decided to use his mimic abilities to transform himself into a treasure chest in hopes that he would be able to attract the attention of the adventurers and make some friends.

However, things didn’t quite work out as he planned. Every time an adventurer would approach him, he would reveal his true form and the adventurers would run in fear or try to attack him. This left Chester feeling sad and alone.

Despite his loneliness, Chester continued to disguise himself as a chest, hoping that one day he would find someone who would see him for who he truly was. He watched as many adventurers came and went, but none of them seemed to be interested in making friends with him.

One day, a young adventurer named Lily stumbled upon Chester. Chester was hesitant at first, but something about Lily’s gentle demeanor put him at ease. Chester slowly revealed his true form to Lily, expecting her to run in fear like all the others. But to his surprise, Lily smiled and held out her hand.

“Hello there,” Lily said warmly. “My name is Lily. What’s yours?”

And from that day on, Chester finally found the friend he had been searching for. Lily was the first person to see him for who he truly was, and with her by his side, Chester no longer felt lonely or afraid.

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