Hobby projects
January 7, 2023

Merlin Wildwood

Posted on January 7, 2023  •  2 minutes  • 224 words

Merlin Wildwood was born to an elf mother and a human father. He inherited his mother’s pointed ears and sharp features, but his father’s ambition and thirst for knowledge. Merlin grew up in a small village, where he quickly became known for his intelligence and love of magic. His mother taught him how to control his elven magic, but his hunger for power led him down a darker path. Merlin became obsessed with the idea of becoming a powerful wizard and joined a local coven in search of more knowledge. It was there that he met his patron, a powerful demon who offered to grant him immense power in exchange for his soul.

Merlin accepted the demon’s offer and made a pact, gaining access to dark magic that he used to deceive the villagers into thinking he was a wizard. He donned blue robes and a pointed hat and even created a fake spellbook to help sell his ruse. Merlin spent years perfecting his deception, but deep down, he knew that his power came at a terrible cost.

One day, Merlin received a vision from his patron, commanding him to go on a dangerous mission to retrieve a powerful artifact. Merlin knew that he couldn’t refuse, and so he set out on his journey, using his dark magic to aid him along the way.

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