Hobby projects
January 7, 2023

Xyliara Shadowthorn

Posted on January 7, 2023  •  2 minutes  • 246 words

Xyliara was born into a prominent drow family that specialized in espionage and sabotage. From a young age, she was trained to be a spy, learning to blend in with her surroundings and gather information unnoticed. As she grew older, Xyliara developed a fascination with the scythe, a weapon favored by her family for its lethal efficiency in combat. She spent countless hours mastering its use, practicing until she could wield it with deadly precision.

Eventually, Xyliara was given her first mission on the surface world. She was to gather intelligence on a group of adventurers who had been causing trouble for her people. Xyliara knew the risks of being discovered, but she also knew the importance of the mission. She disguised herself as a traveling merchant and made her way to the surface.

During her time on the surface, Xyliara began to question her loyalty to her people. She saw the beauty of the world above and the kindness of its inhabitants, and she realized that her upbringing had blinded her to the truth. When her mission was complete, Xyliara refused to return to the underdark. Instead, she chose to stay on the surface and use her skills to help those in need.

Now, Xyliara travels the land as an adventurer, using her scythe to protect the innocent and fight for justice. Though she still carries the weight of her past with her, she is determined to make amends for the wrongs she once committed.

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