Hobby projects
January 28, 2023

Cedric Thornevale

Posted on January 28, 2023  •  1 minutes  • 182 words

Cedric Thornevale was born into a family of renowned wizards and mages who had been serving the kingdom for generations. His father and grandfather before him had served as royal advisors, and Cedric was expected to follow in their footsteps. He showed a natural aptitude for magic from a young age and was enrolled in the best schools of magic to hone his skills.

However, as Cedric grew older, he found himself drawn to the natural world and the mysteries that it held. He began to explore the forests and mountains, studying the ancient magic of the earth and its creatures. His studies took him far and wide, and he became known as a wise and respected sage.

Now, as an old man with silver hair, Cedric has been called upon once again to use his magic for the good of the kingdom. A powerful curse has befallen the land, and the king has requested that Cedric use his knowledge to break it. With a heavy heart, Cedric dons his green robes and sets out on what may be his final adventure.

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